Friday, August 5, 2016

Podium Training Thoughts

I have just a few because I hardly got to watch any of it due to the little girl I'm babysitting this summer making me play dolls with her. Does she not get it?

Anyway, I saw vault and a bit of bars and that's it. From the lineup and the article already published on Yahoo, it seems that are AA's will be Simone, Aly and Gabby. Sorry Laurie, you were screwed over in favor of someone who looks like they're phoning it in.

Let's be real, Gabby did not look good from what I saw. And people can go on and on about her never looking good in PT but don't you think that after her little regime at the death camp that she would have it together by this point? Once again, the benefit of the doubt was given to one person and one person only.

Basically, I'm just ready for Aly to kick butt and take names on Sunday. Seriously, this girl needs to rock it. And you can tell she's completely ready. Unlike others.

Lastly, I'm still yawning over that leotard. I swear I've seen it at least once before. Under Armour fails to impress me. There is nothing "wow" about that design. So typical, so predictable. Why don't they just hire me to design the leos already? Sheesh.

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