Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Why not Jordyn?

Mckayla made her comeback in 2013, Gabby and Aly are due at the next camp and Kyla never really left. Jordyn supposedly was training for elite again about a year and a half ago but then it fizzled into nothing as she left for college. Now she assists with UCLA's gymnastics team where she is not allowed to compete due to going pro. This begs the question, why hasn't Jordyn Wieber, the FFer with the most to prove, trying to make a comeback for Rio?

Jordyn was at the top in 2011 and 2012, she won nearly everything she competed in and was world champ! Then, we all know what happened in London. I wish Jordyn had gotten a chance to do the all-around but be it her coaches or the judges fault, it wasn't to be. This was a MAJOR upset though and Jordyn was visibly devastated. I don't think there was person watching who didn't think she would try and find some redemption in 2016. And didn't seem like it was going to happen,. Realistically, if Jordyn had wanted to have a fighting chance in Rio, she would have been seriously training for at least 6 months now.

So, is Jordyn's elite career history? I have to say, I think it is. I respect her decision to walk away from the sport, if that is what she truly wants. I suppose I just don't understand it. When Alicia Sacremone and Chellsie Memmel didn't have the Olympics they hoped for in 2008, they gave it another go for London. Even though neither made it, they still can say that they tried their best and gave it a shot.

I would love to see Wieber back in the playing field, I can't imagine that she is completely at peace with 2012 yet, though I hope she someday will be. I guess for me, if I were in her shoes, I wouldn't be able to settle with walking away from a sport that I still had a lot to offer and a lot to prove. Of course, it's not about me and I in no way know Jordyn's inner thoughts. I'm just giving my 2 cents. 

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